Browsing Universidad Austral de Chile by Title
Now showing items 6392-6411 of 13037
‘I am learning with the children how is the system again’ Other modes of the schooling experience of mothers and fathers in Chilean schools in the context of migration
Pedagogical Studies; Vol. 45 Núm. 3 (2019); 93-113. -
‘I am learning with the children how is the system again’ Other modes of the schooling experience of mothers and fathers in Chilean schools in the context of migration
Pedagogical Studies; Vol. 45 No. 3 (2019); 93-113. -
I am returning back south as one always returns to love. Macarena Almonacid Burgos and the architectural nature of life in the Archipelago of Chiloé
AUS [Architecture / Urbanism / Sustainability]; Núm. 20 (2016); 92-97. -
“I pursue a deviant form”: the queer landscape in Porfirio Barba-Jacob’s poetry
Philological Studies; No. 69 (2022); 69-87. -
I Reunión regional de la red SciELO
Biological Research v.35 n.3-4 2002. -
IAA oxidase activity on species of Nothofagus genus cuttings
BOSQUE; Vol. 28 Núm. 2 (2007); 139-141. -
Iatrogenia en el Hospital del Niño "Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uría"
Revista chilena de pediatría v.74 n.3 2003. -
Iberian Peninsula and Latin America Secondary Teachers’ assumptions on Near Heritage to promote historical thinking
Pedagogical Studies; Vol. 43 Núm. 4 (2017); 185-202. -
ICE: una nueva aproximación terapéutica para trastornos limítrofes de la personalidad
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría v.41 n.3 2003. -
Iconism and competent narratee The Name of the Rose
Philological Studies; Núm. 50 (2012); 57-74. -
Iconografía del Formativo Tardío del norte de Chile: Propuesta de definición e interpretación basada en imágenes textiles y otros medios
Estudios atacameños n.27 2004. -
ICP. An Interdisciplinary Cooperative Proposal for the training of future Secondary Education teachers
Pedagogical Studies; Vol. 49 No. 1 (2023); 343-360. -
ICT integration in educational institutions: perceptions of head teachers and coordinators
Pedagogical Studies; Vol. 37 Núm. 2 (2011); 197-211. -
Ictericia obstructiva en cáncer de próstata.: Caso clínico
Revista médica de Chile v.127 n.12 1999. -
Ideational metafunction in chilean sign language: Lexical verb forms as processes
Philological Studies; Núm. 65 (2020); 169-194. -
Ideational metafunction in chilean sign language: Lexical verb forms as processes
Philological Studies; No. 65 (2020); 169-194. -
Identidad paraguaya en movimiento
Literatura y lingüística n.13 2001. -
Identidad Profesional Docente: Práctica Pedagógica en Contexto Mapuche
Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia) v.42 n.2 2016. -
Identidad y mito en la poesía moderna: Otra mirada sobre lo mismo
Atenea (Concepción) n.487 2003.