Perfil de presión arterial e historia familiar de hipertensión en niños escolares sanos de Santiago de Chile
Aglony, Marlene; Unidad de Nefrología
Arnaiz, Pilar; Unidad de Cardiología
Acevedo, Mónica; Departamento de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares
Barja, Salesa; Unidad de Nutrición
Márquez, Sonia; Unidad de Nefrología
Guzmán, Beatriz; Departamento de Salud Pública
Berríos, Ximena; Departamento de Salud Pública
Background: The prevalence of pediatric arterial hypertension(AHT) is approximately 1% to 2%. In the last ten years, mean blood pressure levels (BP) have raiseddue to obesity and changes in lifestyles. Family history (FH) of AHT is a risk factor to develop AHT inchildren. Aim: To assess blood pressure, cardiovascular risk factors and family history in healthychildren of Santiago. Material and methods: Blood pressure, family history of AHT, birth weight(BW), gestational age, puberal stage, blood glucose, serum lipids and ultrasensitive Reactive CProtein (usCRP) were analyzed, using data from a study of early markers of atherosclerosis inchildren. Results: Data of 112 children aged between 6-12 years was analyzed. Hypertension (BP>percentile 95) was detected in 2.7% and pre hypertension (BP in percentiles 90-95) in 3.6% of thesample. Children with abnormal BP had higher levels of usCRP (p