Universidad de Santiago de Chile
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Recent publication
Relationship between the Free-of-Charge Implementation and Redistribution of Enrollment in Superior Education Institutions in Chile (2016-2022)
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 91-127. -
The Great Failure of Gradualism in Venezuela II: From the Government of Hugo Chavez until the End of First Government of Nicolas Maduro
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 129-149. -
Cybersecurity Evaluation Model in Public Institutions: Implementation and Actions Proposal in Public Services
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 61-90. -
Migration and Public Security: Perceptions and Data in Region of Tarapaca, Chile
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 5-38. -
The Occupational Mismatch of Youths in Peru
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 39-59. -
Secondary Cities in a New Economic Geography: A Revision from Local Economic Development
Public Policies; Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023); 151-167. -
Review: Transición Energética en Sudamérica
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 210-213. -
Cartographying Existential-(A)e(s)th(et)ic Territories: Between (Re)existent Images, Politics and Poetics
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 26-47. -
The Hidden Face of Climate Change: Colonialism and Environmental Displacement in the Rio Grande do Sul Disaster
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 123-148. -
Energy Transition and Circular Economy: Analysis of the Neoliberal Rationality in Agroenergy Discourses in Córdoba, Argentina (2018-2023)
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024). -
Blue Carbon: Mangroves, a Potential Carbon Sink for Latin America and the Caribbean
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 149-182. -
The Institutional Course of Internal security in Menemism. Institutional Architecture of the Argentine State (1989-1999)
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 99-122. -
Hegemony and Exclusion: Observations on Latin American Constitutionalism Reflected in the Chilean Experience
Estudios Avanzados; No. 40 (2024); 73-98. -
Presentation of dossier Bodies, Territorialities, and Hospitalities: Agencies and Resistance in the Production of Life and Death
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 5-8. -
Review Relatos de viaje kawésqar
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 170-172. -
Good Bye to Enrique Dussel
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 173-175. -
A Memory Essay: Reflections on the Production of Care and Knowledge in Encounters on the Street-Home
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 9-27. -
Three Threads to Spin In(ter)ventions. A Meeting Place and a Collective Imagination around the Social Intervention Involved
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 65-81. -
On/the Other Side of the Road
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 28-43. -
Technologies and the Problem of Truth in the Field of Brazilian Security Practices
Estudios Avanzados; No. 39 (2023); 44-64.