Estigma de Obesidad, su impacto en las víctimas y en los Equipos de Salud: Una revisión de la literatura.
Gómez-Pérez, Daniela; Programa de Doctorado en Psicología
Universidad de La Frontera
Ortiz, Manuel S.; Universidad de la Frontera.
Saiz, José L.; Universidad de La Frontera
Weight stigmatization is defined as the devaluation of others based on weight, a visible and specific characteristic that cannot be hidden. The consequences of weight stigmatization have been studied in victims and healthcare providers. This narrative literature review describes the consequences of weight stigmatization in victims and healthcare practitioners. According to several studies, high levels of psychological dysfunction in victims coexist with negative stereotypes in healthcare professionals, since the latter are exposed to the same negative media messages about obesity. Thus, weight stigmatization contributes to increase the burden of obesity, since when obese patients perceive that they are discriminated by healthcare professionals, their unhealthy behaviors persist and they have a low adherence to obesity treatment and medical recommendations. Weight stigmatization is defined as the devaluation of others based on weight, a visible and specific characteristic that cannot be hidden. The consequences of weight stigmatization have been studied in victims and healthcare providers. This narrative literature review describes the consequences of weight stigmatization in victims and healthcare practitioners. According to several studies, high levels of psychological dysfunction in victims coexist with negative stereotypes in healthcare professionals, since the latter are exposed to the same negative media messages about obesity. Thus, weight stigmatization contributes to increase the burden of obesity, since when obese patients perceive that they are discriminated by healthcare professionals, their unhealthy behaviors persist and they have a low adherence to obesity treatment and medical recommendations.