Adherencia terapéutica y control glucémico en pacientes con diabetes gestacional bajo dos esquemas de tratamiento
Chávez Garcia, Linet; IMSS
Valle-Leal, Jaime Guadalupe; Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social
Jímenez-Mapula, Cindy; IMSS
Quintero Medrano, Samantha Melissa; IMSS
López Villegas, Miriam Nayeli; IMSS
Background: Adherence to treatment is a large obstacle in the management of chronic diseases. Aim: To evaluate therapeutic adherence and its relationship with glycemic control in patients with gestational diabetes using two types of treatment. Material and methods: The Measurement of Treatment Adherence (MAT) questionnaire was applied to 93 patients with gestational diabetes. Fifty-two used metformin 41 were treated with insulin. Obstetric and socio-demographic data were collected. Results: A higher therapeutic adherence was associated with a better glycemic control. Women with a higher education level had a better adherence to treatment. The adherence and metabolic control were higher in women treated with metformin. Conclusions: Therapeutic adherence is an important factor for adequate glycemic control. Background: Adherence to treatment is a large obstacle in the management of chronic diseases. Aim: To evaluate therapeutic adherence and its relationship with glycemic control in patients with gestational diabetes using two types of treatment. Material and methods: The Measurement of Treatment Adherence (MAT) questionnaire was applied to 93 patients with gestational diabetes. Fifty-two used metformin 41 were treated with insulin. Obstetric and socio-demographic data were collected. Results: A higher therapeutic adherence was associated with a better glycemic control. Women with a higher education level had a better adherence to treatment. The adherence and metabolic control were higher in women treated with metformin. Conclusions: Therapeutic adherence is an important factor for adequate glycemic control.