Neuroética: reflexiones sobre los principios latentes de la moral en medicina.
Figueroa, Gustavo; Departamento de PsiquiatríaEscuela de MedicinaUniversidad de Valparaíso
NEUROETHICS: REFLECTONS ON THE LATENT PRINCIPLES OF MORALS IN MEDICINE Ethical dilemmas resulting from neural sciences have promoted the emergence of a new discipline termed neuroethics. Researchers distinguish between ethics of neuroscience and neuroscience of ethics. The former deals with ethical problems arising from new forms of interventions into the brain. The latter investigates the neural mechanisms that may possibly underlie morality as such. This article presents a survey of the new empirical facts and directions, and a critical evaluation of the methodological and ontological problems underlying neuroethics as such. Conceptual analyses of research issues and the underlying implicit conceptions of human being are thoroughly investigated based on Heidegger´s thought.