Judges, Citizens, and a Democratic Rule of Law: Building Institutional Trustworthiness to Recover Public Trust
Jueces, ciudadanía, y estado democrático de derecho: Construir la confiabilidad para recuperar la confianza
Hilbink, Lisa
This article argues that even though in Chile several successful reforms have been made, such as the Criminal Procedure reform, the Labor Procedure reform and the Family courts reform, public confidence in the justice system is still very low. It is argued that this gap should serve as an alert to legal professionals and policymakers in Chile that it is time to rethink and adjust the reform agenda. The article claims that the Chilean justice system must attend to its trustworthiness, which requires that it better incorporate and serve the fundamental principles of democracy, under Lincoln’s famous conception of a democratic government as one that is “of, by, and for the people”. To accomplish this task, a new set of reforms is suggested aimed at making the justice system more democratically trustworthy and, therefore, capable of recovering citizens’ trust. El artículo sostiene que si bien en Chile se han efectuado sendas reformas al sistema judicial, como la reforma procesal penal, la reforma laboral y los tribunales de familia, la confianza de la ciudadanía en los jueces sigue estancada en niveles preocupantemente bajos. Se plantea por tanto que esta brecha debe servir de alerta para repensar y ajustar la agenda de reformas al sistema judicial chileno. Se argumenta que el sistema debe atender a su confiabilidad, lo que requiere incorporar y servir de mejor manera los principios fundamentales de la democracia, bajo el ideal de Lincoln del gobierno democrático “desde, por, y para el pueblo”. Para ello, se propone un nuevo conjunto de reformas destinadas a hacer que el sistema de justicia sea más democráticamente confiable, y con ello capaz de recuperar la confianza de la ciudadanía.