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dc.creatorKorn B,Owen
dc.creatorMoyano S,Leonor
dc.creatorCabello E,Renato
dc.creatorCsendes J,Attila
dc.descriptionThe presence of cancer in a hernia sac is uncommon. The tumor can involve the hernia sac, the herniated mass or be external to the hernia sac. We report two cases with this condition. A 68 years old male was operated of a right inguinal hernia. During surgery, several white nodules were noted in the internal side of hernia sac. The same lesions were present in the mesentery. Pathological study revealed an adenocarcinoma. The primary tumor was not located and the patient died one and a half years after the procedure. A 62 years old male was operated due to an irreductible inguinal mass, seven months after a subtotal gastrectomy for gastric cancer. During the resection of the mass, metastasic implants in the mesenteric adipose tissue were noted. A mini laparotomy was performed and an extensive peritoneal tumor dissemination was found. The patient died two months after surgery (Rev Méd Chile 2002; 130: 91-95
dc.publisherSociedad Médica de Santiago
dc.sourceRevista médica de Chile v.130 n.1 2002
dc.subjectHernia, inguinal
dc.subjectNeoplasms, adipose tissue
dc.subjectNeoplasm metastasis
dc.titleHallazgo incidental de cáncer en saco herniario inguinal

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