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dc.creatorValdés S,Gloria
dc.creatorRoessler B,Emilio
dc.descriptionThe management of severe hypertension in the emergency setting demands a careful evaluation of the different underlying clinical situations, and of the impending risk for the life of the patient or of acute organ damage. Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies have to be identified, and distinguished from chronic severe hypertension, a frequent presentation to the emergency services. A thorough clinical evaluation, and not the magnitude of the blood pressure elevation, should be the basis of the differential diagnosis; this will guide the setting required for treatment (intensive care unit, ward or ambulatory), the drugs of choice, as well as the velocity of blood pressure reduction. Special emphasis has to be given to the management of cerebrovascular accidents and severe preeclampsia, as the reduction of blood pressure entails a risk of hypoperfusion of critical territories as the brain and fetus respectively. A wide range of drugs permits a tailored treatment of a variety of clinical situations. Efforts have to be made to detect and manage chronic hypertensive patients in order to reduce the consultation load represented by severe hypertensives in emergency services, by preventing hypertensive crisis, in order to focalize on real situations of risk (Rev Méd Chile 2002; 130: 322-31)
dc.publisherSociedad Médica de Santiago
dc.sourceRevista médica de Chile v.130 n.3 2002
dc.subjectAntihypertensive agents
dc.subjectVascular resistance
dc.titleRecomendaciones para el manejo de las crisis hipertensivas: Documento de Consenso de la Sociedad Chilena de Hipertensión Arterial

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