Caracterización clínico - molecular de la enfermedad granulomatosa crónica autosómica recesiva causada por déficit de p47-phox
Cornejo De L,Mónica
López Q,Juan A.
Navarro V,Sara
García de O,Diana
Patiño G.,Pablo J
Background: The cytosolic protein p47-phox (phagocyte oxidase) is one of the essential components of the superoxide generating system in phagocytes and its defect causes approximately 30% of the chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) cases. Aim: Two patients were studied, belonging to the same family, without a consanguinous background, in which deficiency or absence of superoxide generation was found together with recurrent and severe infections in one case and benign infections in the second. Methods: The presence of gp91-, p67- and p47-phox in patients and controls was determined by Western Blot analysis of granulocytes. Sequencing of PCR amplified DNA was performed by an enzimatic method. Results: Western Blot analysis showed normal expression of gp91 and p67 and absence of p47-phox. The molecular genetic study demonstrated a homocygotic dinucleotide GT (GT) deletion at the beginning of exon 2 of the p47-phox gene. The same mutation has been found in European, American and Japanese patients. Conclusions: The molecular characterization of this pathology done for the first time in Chile is important for diagnostic classification, patient prognosis, and adequate genetic advice and a possible future therapy. (Rev Méd Chile 2000; 128: 490-8).