Ortega, Andrés
Ramírez, Tomás
Troncoso, Eric
The new Mistral Center building is part of a heritage route called Camino a Gabriela Mistral, Bicentennial building of the Coquimbo Region, whose development was entrusted to the Department of Architecture of the MOP on behalf of the Regional Government. The project provides cultural accessibility to the community, because it is located in a socially vulnerable, stigmatized and historically segregated neighborhood. El nuevo edificio del Centro Mistraliano forma parte de un sistema denominado Ruta patrimonial Camino a Gabriela Mistral, obra Bicentenario de la Región de Coquimbo, cuyo desarrollo se encomendó a la Dirección de Arquitectura del MOP por encargo del Gobierno Regional. El proyecto ofrece accesibilidad cultural a la comunidad, al emplazarse en un sector socialmente vulnerable, estigmatizado e históricamente segregado.