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dc.creatorCruz Barros, Nicolás
dc.descriptionWhen the first plan for a national high school curriculum was established in the Republic of Chile in 1843, an interesting educational alternative was presented by the provinces, and specifically by the city of Concepción. The provinces claimed that the curriculum prepared in Santiago, but which was to be applied in all the "liceos" of the country, was excessively centralistic, and based on the study of the humanities, with special emphasis on the study of Latin. The counterproposals from the provinces which were presented during most of the 19th century, indicated that the curriculums should be adapted to the specific needs of each province, and oriented towards useful studies, in accordance to what been widely recommended by the Spanish thinkers of the Enlightenment in the 18th century.  en-US
dc.descriptionWhen the first plan for a national high school curriculum was established in the Republic of Chile in 1843, an interesting educational alternative was presented by the provinces, and specifically by the city of Concepción. The provinces claimed that the curriculum prepared in Santiago, but which was to be applied in all the "liceos" of the country, was excessively centralistic, and based on the study of the humanities, with special emphasis on the study of Latin. The counterproposals from the provinces which were presented during most of the 19th century, indicated that the curriculums should be adapted to the specific needs of each province, and oriented towards useful studies, in accordance to what been widely recommended by the Spanish thinkers of the Enlightenment in the 18th century.  es-ES
dc.publisherInstituto de Historia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chilees-ES
dc.sourceHistory; ; 69-88en-US
dc.sourceHistoria; 1996: Nª 29, Vol.I; 69-88es-ES
dc.subjectLa revista no contemplaba “Palabras clave” para los artículos incluidos en este año de publicaciónes-ES
dc.titleUna contrapropuesta educacional en el Chile del siglo XIXes-ES
dc.typeArtículo revisado por pareses-ES

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