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dc.creatorCruz Ovalle, Isabel
dc.descriptionSince the “romantic modernity” the nineteenth century painters and sculptors have increased their dramatic sense of life and history according, not only with the epocal circonstancies, but also with a process of self-conciusness, that intensified their sensibility. This article study this problem trhrough the example of the chilean scultpture, Rebeca Matte Bello (1875-1929) and her Monument “The War” in La Haya Inter- national Court, placed there in the year 1914, inmediatly before the begining of the First World War. The genesis of this monument in the personal and diplomatic chilean correspoden- ce, shows that, nevertheless the proliferation of the pacifist mouvements leadered by The International Court, Rebeca Matte, according of his ouwn artistic intuition, anticipates, not the peace, but suffering, destruction and death.en-US
dc.descriptionSince the “romantic modernity” the nineteenth century painters and sculptors have increased their dramatic sense of life and history according, not only with the epocal circonstancies, but also with a process of self-conciusness, that intensified their sensibility. This article study this problem trhrough the example of the chilean scultpture, Rebeca Matte Bello (1875-1929) and her Monument “The War” in La Haya International Court, placed there in the year 1914, inmediatly before the begining of the First World War. The genesis of this monument in the personal and diplomatic chilean correspodence, shows that, nevertheless the proliferation of the pacifist mouvements leadered by The International Court, Rebeca Matte, according of his own artistic intuition, anticipates, not the peace, but suffering, destruction and
dc.publisherInstituto de Historia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chilees-ES
dc.sourceHistoria; ; 89-121en-US
dc.sourceHistoria; 2003 N° 36, Vol. I; 89-121es-ES
dc.subjectLa revista no contemplaba “Palabras clave” para los artículos incluidos en este año de publicaciónes-ES
dc.titleIntuición artística y acontecimientos históricos: Rebeca Matte y el monumento a la guerra para el Palacio de la Paz en La Haya, 1913-1914es-ES
dc.typeArtículo revisado por pareses-ES

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