The Concept of The Administrative Function and its Delimitation Against Acts of a Jurisdictional Nature
El concepto de la función administrativa y su delimitación frente a los actos de naturaleza jurisdiccional
Espinoza Rausseo, Alexander
Rivas Alberti, Jhenny
To distinguish between an administrative and jurisdictional function, we will take as a starting point the residual criterion, as well as its function of protecting the general interests. In this way, those cases that cannot be classified as jurisdictional or legislative will be administrative in nature. Para distinguir entre una función administrativa y jurisdiccional tomaremos como punto de partida el criterio residual, así como su función de proteger los intereses generales. Por esa vía, aquellos casos que no puedan ser calificados de jurisdiccionales o legislativos serán de naturaleza administrativa.