Kaliningrad, a forgotten territory
Kaliningrado, un territorio olvidado
At the end of Second World War, the government of Soviet Union to occupy with military corps the oldest Konigsberg and sorrounder area of Eastern Prussia founded by Teutonic arder of Knighthood on XIIIth Century. The land was sovietize with new inhabitants and the oldest german peoples was compulsory to move inside others soviets territories, Actualiy many govemmentsorpeoples of differentcountriesare interestingaboutanewfuturefor Kaliningrádskaia Oblast; lithuanians, poiishs and germans are worried aboui; Russian Goverment is looking for an agreement with European Economic Communiry, The Kaliningrad subject it seems that out of interest for the analyst, as long as geographers it seems to [orget wich this area was homeland of the geographer, mathetician and philosopher, I. Kant. Alfinalizar el conflicto bélico 1939-1945, la URSS ocupó un retazo territorial de la otrora Prusia Oriental. Dicho territorio, histórícamente organizado en torno a la fortaleza de los Caballeros Teutónicos con la denominación de Konigsberg , fue sovietizado como la Kaliningrádskaia Oblast. A fines del siglo XX surgen las preocupaciones lituanas, polacas y alemanas, en tanto la República Federativa de Rusia parece mirar por la Comunidad Económica Europea. El lema de Kaliningrado parece ser ignorado por los analistas, tanto como los geógrafos parecen olvidar que dicha área fue la patria del geógrafo, matemático y filósofo I . Kant .