Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialism: Differences and Relations.
Posthumanismo, Transhumanismo, Antihumanismo, Metahumanismo y Nuevos Materialismos: Diferencias y Relaciones;
Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism, Metahumanism, and New Materialisms.: Differences and Relations.
Ferrando, Francesca
Brito Ledesma, Javier Ignacio
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“Posthuman” has become an umbrella term to refer to a variety of different movements and schools of thought, including philosophical, cultural, and critical posthumanism; transhumanism (in its variations of extropianism, liberal and democratic transhumanism, among others); the feminist approach of new materialisms; the heterogeneous landscape of antihumanism, metahumanism, metahumanities, and posthumanities. Such a generic and all-inclusive use of the term has created methodological and theoretical confusion between experts and non-experts alike. This essay will explore the differences between these movements, focusing in particular on the areas of signification shared by posthumanism and transhumanism. In presenting these two independent, yet related philosophies, posthumanism may prove a more comprehensive standpoint to reflect upon possible futures. “Posthumano” se ha convertido en un término paraguas para referirse a una variedad de movimientos y escuelas de pensamiento diferentes, incluyendo el posthumanismo filosófico, cultural y crítico; el transhumanismo (en sus variantes de extropianismo, transhumanismo liberal y democrático, entre otras); el enfoque feminista de los nuevos materialismos; el paisaje heterogéneo del antihumanismo, metahumanismo, metahumanidades y posthumanidades. Este uso genérico y global del término ha creado confusión metodológica y teórica entre expertos y no expertos. Este ensayo explorará las diferencias entre estos movimientos, centrándose en particular en las áreas de significación que comparten el posthumanismo y el transhumanismo. Al presentar estas dos filosofías independientes, aunque relacionadas, el posthumanismo puede resultar un punto de vista más completo para reflexionar sobre posibles futuros. “Posthuman” has become an umbrella term to refer to a variety of different movements and schools of thought, including philosophical, cultural, and critical posthumanism; transhumanism (in its variations of extropianism, liberal and democratic transhumanism, among others); the feminist approach of new materialisms; the heterogeneous landscape of antihumanism, metahumanism, metahumanities, and posthumanities. Such a generic and all-inclusive use of the term has created methodological and theoretical confusion between experts and non-experts alike. This essay will explore the differences between these movements, focusing in particular on the areas of signification shared by posthumanism and transhumanism. In presenting these two independent, yet related philosophies, posthumanism may prove a more comprehensive standpoint to reflect upon possible futures.