National Congress and electoral system
Congreso Nacional y sistema electoral
Fernández Baeza, Mario
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The following pages represent a stubborn attempt to place the debate in the academic and practical seat it deserves. It is about specifying the conceptual and methodological bases of the electoral systems, linking them with the Chilean reality of its binominal system, arriving at suggestions for the necessary constitutional and legislative decisions that allow or provide a framework for its necessary reform. Las páginas que siguen representan un porfiado intento para situar el debate en el sitial académico y práctico que merece, Se trata de precisar las bases conceptuales y metodológicas de los sistemas electorales, vinculándolas con la realidad chilena de su sistema binominal, arribando a sugerencias para las necesarias decisiones constitucionales y legislativas que permitan o le otorguen marco a su necesaria reforma.