The Legitimacy of the Sanctioning Administrative Power
La Legitimidad de la Potestad Administrativa Sancionadora
Camacho Cepeda, Gladys
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This article is formulated within the framework outlined by the judgments of the Constitutional Court identified by Roles No. 479 and 480 of 2006, which although they do not manage to clarify the confusing panorama in which the sanctioning administrative power has been developing, they do have to By virtue of leaving clearly stated the questions that still need to be resolved in relation to the sanctioning matter and the administration. El presente artículo se formula en el marco que han delineado las sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional identificadas por Roles Ns°479 y 480 de 2006, las que si bien no logran esclarecer el confuso panorama en el que la potestad administrativa sancionadora viene desarrollándose, sí tienen a virtud de dejar claramente planteadas las preguntas que aún faltan por resolver en relación con la materia sancionadora y la administración.