The normative force of the Constitution: a binding principle of the constitutional judiciary
La fuerza normativa de la Constitución: un principio vinculante de la judicatura constitucional
Aros Chia, Rodrigo Marcelo
Full text
One of the aspects that has gained vital importance in the constitutional doctrine is that referring to the hermeneutical preambles adopted by the Fundamental Charter of 1980 and, within them, a principle that is of vital importance is the so-called normative force of the constitution or direct link , pursuant to article 6, subsection 2 of the Fundamental Law, which provides that the precepts of this Constitution are binding both on the owners or members of said bodies and on any person, institution or group. Uno de los aspectos que ha cobrado vital importancia en la doctrina constitucional es lo referente a los preámbulos hermenéuticos que adopta la Carta Fundamental de 1980 y, dentro de ellos, un principio que cobra vital importancia es la denominada fuerza normativa de la constitución o vinculación directa, al tenor del articulo 6° inciso 2° de la Ley Fundamental, el cual dispone que los preceptos de esta Constitución obligan tanto a los titulares o integrantes de dichos órganos como a toda persona, institución o grupo.