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dc.creatorPino,Luz A.
dc.descriptionA total of 337 individuals from a rural community of Venezuela (Mapurite, Estado Cojedes) were studied. Stoll faecal examination was carried out and the total number of A. lumbricoides was recovered after the treatment of the individuals sampled with Pyrantel pamoate at a dose of 10 mg/Kg body weight in children and 15 mg/Kg in adults. A relationship between the high worm burden condition (individuals excreting more than10000 epg of A. lumbricoides) and the age of the hosts was found. Resulting with the major values of relative risk index (Rr) the 5-9 years old class (Rr= 3.2 t= 3.4). This relationship was not found between high worm burden condition (HWB) and the sex of the hosts. The following individuals have the the highest possibilities to become HWB: with blood group A (Rr=3.05 t= 4.08), with haemoglobine type HbA HbS (Rr=1.86 t= 2.13), individuals with the combinations A HbA HbF (Rr= 3.46 t= 2.31) and A HbA HbS (Rr= 3.11 t= 2.78). It was estimated that the selective treatment of the total HWB detected (72) with an effective product, determined a reduction of 95.4% of the environmental contamination with de eggs and 72.3% of the worm burden
dc.publisherPrograma de Parasitología. Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Chile
dc.sourceBoletín chileno de parasitología v.54 n.3-4 1999
dc.subjectAscaris lumbricoides
dc.subjectmarcador de riesgo
dc.subjectacumuladores de parásitos
dc.titleMarcadores de riesgo para individuos con altas cargas de Ascaris lumbricoidesen una comunidad rural del Estado Cojedes, Venezuela

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