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dc.creatorNahoum, Benjamín; Centro Cooperativista Uruguayo
dc.descriptionMr. Nahoum discusses several common premises about housing and the poor in Latinamerica. There are: “Housing problems pertains only the poor or marginal inhabitants”; “in underdeveloped countries there are no enough resources to cope with housing problems”; “the increase of governmental expenditure benefits lower income groups since its nature is redistributive”; building standards have to be lowered in order to obtain cheaper solutions within reach to the poor”; “problems of marginal sectors should not be reduced only to economic dimensions, they should also emphasize the need of social recognition, selfassurance, and respect for identity and free will within themselves”; “population participation in the project and design of housing solutions is an essential requisite in order to obtain adequate solutions”; “public action has not been efficient in solving housing problems for the lower income groups, thus the cities had to be built by the urban poor with their own resources”; “professionals should emphasize in diminishing the cost of technical solutions based on local raw materials and such in order to enable the poor to reach their solutions”; “self-help and selfbuilding reduce building costs by its contribution of labour”; and “the solution lies in providing soft credits, with low interest rates and on a long term basis”. Since the author does not agree totally with the implication of most of these premises, he tries to discuss alternative solutions within the role of the State. es-ES
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica de Chilees-ES
dc.rightsAl momento de aceptar la publicación de sus artículos, los autores deberán formalizar la cesión de derechos de autor a EURE, según las condiciones establecidas por la Revista.Ésta establece que el autor autoriza a EURE de manera gratuita, exclusiva e ilimitada a reproducir, editar, publicar, distribuir, publicitar, comercializar y traducir el artículo, a cualquier soporte conocido o por conocer y desarrollar. Del mismo modo, los autores aseguran que el artículo propuesto es original, no publicado y no propuesto para tal fin a otro medio de difusión. es-ES
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 13, núm. 39-40 (1987)es-ES
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 13, núm. 39-40 (1987)pt-BR
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 13, núm. 39-40 (1987)en-US
dc.subjectmedioambiente urbano, mercado inmobiliario, pobreza, política habitacional, viviendaes-ES
dc.titleEl problema de la habitación en los países capitalistas periféricos: sobre sus reales causas y posibles solucioneses-ES

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