León Schidlowsky, Recipient of the National Arts Prize in Music 2014. A Perspective of his Artistic Development in Chile, Israel and Germany
León Schidlowsky, Premio Nacional de Artes Musicales 2014. Perspectivas de su trayectoria artística en Chile, Israel y Alemania
Fugellie, Daniela
This article presents a general view of the artistic development of the Chilean composer León Schidlowsky (1931). It considers the different periods of his life in Chile, Israel and Germany, as well as the most representative works of each of these periods, i.e. chamber, orchestral and graphic music. It focuses on features hitherto not well known in Chile, such as the role of his teaching career and his creative work in Tel Aviv, Israel, as well as his personal contacts with different personalities of the international music scene. Besides, the article presents a general survey of his orchestral production, in terms of the nonmusical contents and the context of its reception. Having Schidlowsky been awarded in 2014 the Chilean National Arts Prize in Music, the article concludes with some thoughts about the role of his work within the Chilean music scene, considering the results of his emigration from Chile to Israel in 1969, the reception of his music in Chile, and the presence of topics of the Chilean and the Latin American culture in his musical output. El presente artículo ofrece un panorama general de la trayectoria artística del compositor chileno León Schidlowsky (1931). Abarca las diferentes etapas de su vida en Chile, Israel y Alemania, junto a la producción musical más representativa de cada etapa, entre ellas la música de cámara, la producción orquestal y la gráfica musical. Se estudian aspectos hasta ahora poco conocidos en Chile, como el rol de su labor pedagógica y creadora en Tel Aviv y sus intercambios con diversas personalidades de la escena musical internacional. Asimismo se ofrece un panorama de su obra orquestal, considerando sus contenidos extramusicales y el contexto de su recepción. Habiendo recibido León Schidlowsky el Premio Nacional de Artes Musicales en 2014, el artículo concluye con una reflexión acerca del papel que ha tenido su obra en el marco de la creación musical de Chile. Para este efecto se consideran las implicaciones de su emigración en 1969 a Israel, la recepción de su obra en la vida musical chilena y la tematización de la cultura chilena y latinoamericana en su producción musical.