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dc.creatorBarbosa, Oscar; Centro Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Santa Fe; Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química
dc.descriptionThe paper attemps a sistematical analysis of the concept of quality of life. The author argues that due to the lack of a clearly defined theoretical, historical and spatial context when using the concept, its current meaning is ambiguous. The drawbacks of a poorly defined theoretical framework are evident in the difficulties encountered in identifying the variables that define a desired level of quality of life and is building up suitable indicators for measuring it. A solution to this problem requires the clasification of the development theory used to identify these variables. As a contribution in this direction the paper discusses the implicit concepts of quality of life that exists in the "welfare state" and the "ecodevelopment" theories of development. Concerning the welfare state, the author argues that the problem of quality of life is conceptualized solely as environmental goals attainable through taxation, regulation and income redistribution. In the ecodevelopment theory, the problem of quality of life is conceived as part of the central goals of a new society that veers away from the values and technology of the super industrialized society. The author puts forward a concept of quality of life based a dynamic outlock of the environment which is historically and spatially defined, thus taking into consideration not only normative aspects of the problem but also the time-space constraints affecting the process of transforming the existing environment into the desired
dc.publisherPontificia Universidad Católica de Chilees-ES
dc.rightsAl momento de aceptar la publicación de sus artículos, los autores deberán formalizar la cesión de derechos de autor a EURE, según las condiciones establecidas por la Revista.Ésta establece que el autor autoriza a EURE de manera gratuita, exclusiva e ilimitada a reproducir, editar, publicar, distribuir, publicitar, comercializar y traducir el artículo, a cualquier soporte conocido o por conocer y desarrollar. Del mismo modo, los autores aseguran que el artículo propuesto es original, no publicado y no propuesto para tal fin a otro medio de difusión. es-ES
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 8, núm. 24 (1982)es-ES
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 8, núm. 24 (1982)pt-BR
dc.sourceRevista EURE - Revista de Estudios Urbano Regionales; Vol. 8, núm. 24 (1982)en-US
dc.subjectasentamientos humanos, calidad de vida, desarrollo urbano,planificación urbanaes-ES
dc.titleProblemas metodológicos y teóricos del concepto de calidad de vidaes-ES

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