Desencuentros en la encrucijada. Perspectivas sobre las relaciones económicas entre Chile y EE.UU., 1958-1961
Abbagliati Boils, Enzo
This is a study of the political culture surrounding the public debate in Chile over economic relations with the United States during the first three years of the Jorge Alessandri administration, the beginning of a new cycle in Chilean history (1958-1973). The analysis of the discurse of the different political sectors, organizations and the press, provides evidence of the contrasting positions. The context is provided by the Cuban Revolution as an altérnative model for U.S, Latin American relations and the creation in Washington of a new policy towards Latin America, the Alliance for Progress, and by the application of a "liberal economic policy" by the Alessandri Government. In contrast to prior debates on Chilean foreign relations, and specifically with the United States, the players took part in important and novel confrontations on subjects such as copper policies or the diversification of foreign trade.