Effect of weathering on wood treated with tall oil combined with some additives
Sivrikaya, Huseyin
Can, Ahmet
Growing interest on bio-based material has led to focus on environmentally benign wood treatment systems because of the environmental concerns. Tall oil is a by-product from pulp and paper industry, contains resin and fatty acids, and is biodegradable. Tall oil treated wood can provide some reduction in water uptake and increase in decay resistance. In this research crude tall oil was dissolved in ethanol at 5, 10 and 15 % concentrations in the treatment of Scots pine according to full cell process. Dyestuff, iron oxide and sodium ascorbate were used an additive as 0,5 %. Weathering performance of tall oil and tall oil combined with additives were investigated in accelerated weathering chamber by application of ultraviolet irradiation and water spray. It is taken for granted that increasing concentration results in higher weight percent gain in treated samples. The best results were obtained with 10 % tall oil and iron oxide which indicated minimum total color changes. Colour measurements and visual examination revealed that iron oxide was the most effective additive in reducing weathering effect and lowering the total colour change.