Revista Chilena de Estudios Medievales
The effects of the gunpowder technology in the demise of the frontier lords in the Ottoman Balkans
Simsir, Hüsamettin
In this article, the introduction, dissemination, and proliferation of the gunpowder units in the Ottoman military structure in the fifteenth century are discussed. It aims to bring an alternative approach to the effects of gunpowder technology on the relationship between the frontier lords and the Ottoman center in the Balkans. In this aspect, the performance of the Ottoman military organization in two different military encounters, the Battle of Varna and the Battle of Kosovo, is stressed. Then, the Ottoman acquisition of the advanced firearm units such as the war wagons is evaluated through the military interactions between the Hungarians and the Ottomans. Lastly, the effects of the transformation of the Ottoman military organization on the intra-domestic power structure in the Ottoman Balkans are discussed through the literature on the issue. In parallel with it, it is questioned whether it is possible to see the execution of a prominent frontier lord of the Evrenos family, Ali Bey in 1451 by Mehmed II as the sign of the shift of the power balance in the Ottoman Balkans