Electronic Journal of Biotechnology: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 978
Indole acetic acid and ACC deaminase from endophytic bacteria improves the growth of Solarium lycopersicum
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Cloning of the ω-secalin gene family in a wheat 1BL/1RS translocation line using BAC clone sequencing
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
RestrictionDigest: A powerful Perl module for simulating genomic restriction digests
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
The whole-cell immobilization of D-hydantoinase-engineered Escherichia coli for D-CpHPG biosynthesis
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Oligomerization of Cry9Aa in solution without receptor binding, is not related with insecticidal activity
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
DNA demethylation during Chrysanthemum floral transition following short-day treatment
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
SSR genetic diversity assessment of popular pigeonpea varieties in Malawi reveals unique fingerprints
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Selection of polyvalent bacteriophages infecting Salmonella entérica serovar Choleraesuis
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Chilean IPNV isolates: Robustness analysis of PCR detection
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.2 2016. -
Development, characterization and use of genomic SSR markers for assessment of genetic diversity in some Saudi date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation of ultradispersed wood particles after ultrasonic pretreatment
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.2 2016. -
Comparing the expression of human DNA topoisomerase I in KM71H and X33 strains of Pichia pastoris
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.3 2016. -
Identification and expression analysis of two Wnt4 genes in the spotted scat (Scatophagus argus)
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.2 2016. -
Characterization of a multi-tolerant tannin acyl hydrolase II from Aspergillus carbonarius produced under solid-state fermentation
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.18 n.6 2015. -
Application of bacterial and yeast biosurfactants for enhanced removal and biodegradation of motor oil from contaminated sand
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.18 n.6 2015. -
Antimicrobial and molecular interaction studies on derivatives of curcumin against Streptococcus pneumoniae which caused pneumonia
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.1 2016. -
Over-expression of CYP78A98, a cytochrome P450 gene from Jatropha curcas L., increases seed size of transgenic tobacco
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.1 2016. -
Preparation and characterization of κ-carrageenase immobilized onto magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.1 2016. -
Three new shuttle vectors for heterologous expression in Zymomonas mobilis
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.1 2016. -
Production, purification and characterization of an ionic liquid tolerant cellulase from Bacillus sp. isolated from rice paddy field soil
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology v.19 n.1 2016.