On uniqueness of \(L\)-functions in terms of zeros of strong uniqueness polynomial
Banerjee, Abhijit
Kundu, Arpita
In this article, we have mainly focused on the uniqueness problem of an \(L\)-function \(\mathcal{L}\) with an \(L\)-function or a meromorphic function \(f\) under the condition of sharing the sets, generated from the zero set of some strong uniqueness polynomials. We have introduced two new definitions, which extend two existing important definitions of URSM and UPM in the literature and the same have been used to prove one of our main results. As an application of the result, we have exhibited a much improved and extended version of a recent result of Khoai-An-Phuong [23]. Our remaining results are about the uniqueness of \(L\)-function under weighted sharing of sets generated from the zeros of a suitable strong uniqueness polynomial, which improve and extend some results in [12].