Contributions of Gabriela Mistral´s prose for a theology of the sings of the times
Aportes de la prosa de Gabriela Mistral para una teología de los signos de los tiempos
Pérez-Jijena, Ángela
Theology of the signs of the times (TST) takes up the challenge of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, from Vatican II. This empirical approach to theology starts from careful observation of reality. Among the tools at hand for the inductive phase of the TST method, the great classics of world literature stand out. In this framework, the present study explores a collection of writings by the Chilean author Gabriela Mistral. Highlighting the theological potential of the motif of the earth demonstrates the kind of contributions that literature holds for TST.Theology of the signs of the times (TST) takes up the challenge of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, from Vatican II. This empirical approach to theology starts from careful observation of reality. Among the tools at hand for the inductive phase of the TST method, the great classics of world literature stand out. In this framework, the present study explores a collection of writings by the Chilean author Gabriela Mistral. Highlighting the theological potential of the motif of the earth demonstrates the kind of contributions that literature holds for TST.
La teología de los signos de los tiempos (TST), haciendo suya la provocación de la constitución Gaudium et spes del Concilio Vaticano II, se presenta como una teología empírica que asume como punto de partida la escucha atenta de la realidad. Entre las mediaciones posibles capaces de dinamizar el momento inductivo del método teológico de la TST se destacan los grandes clásicos de la literatura universal. Situado en ese eje epistémico, este estudio profundiza en un conjunto de escritos de la literata chilena Gabriela Mistral en los que se destaca el potencial teológico del motivo de la tierra. De este modo, es posible evidenciar el aporte que la TST puede esperar de la literatura.