Lagartija sin cola, de José Donoso (Más ecos de sexo y degradación humanas)
Bello Guerrieri, Reynaldo
ResumenEste trabajo remite al argumento de Lagartija sin cola, el cual muestra parte de las líneas temáticas desarrolladas por Donoso a lo largo de su extensa obra de mundos cerrados referidos sobre todo al grupo familiar. El objetivo es mostrar que los ecos de la novela excluida, Lagartija sin cola, son registros de angustia, desolación y degradación humanas, que con similar resonancia hallamos en la novelística del autor chileno.Palabras clave: argumento, ecos, forma, contenido, protagonistas, temas.Lagartija sin cola, by José Donoso (More echoes of sexand human degradation)AbstractThe subject of this work refers to the argument of Lagartija sin cola, whichmainly shows part of the thematic lines developed by Donoso throughout its extensive closed world work referred to the familiar group. The objective isto show that the echoes of the excluded novel, Lagartija sin cola, are registries of anguish, human desolation and degradation, that with similar resonance, we found in the fiction of the Chilean author. The method implied adopting a multidisciplinary perspective, based mainly on the analysis (under humanistic lineament) of the existing characteristics in the text. The conclusion demonstrates that Donoso, in spite of the forms used in its creative traject, insisted o ncontents that we can establish with facility, due to the obsessive reiteration ofthe propose plots.Key words: argument, echoes, form, content, protagonists, plots