Popular Youngsters, Media and Social Exclusion
Verdugo Bonvallet, Verónica
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This article takes on the issue of the influence of television on the reinforcement of the social mechanisms of exclusion in Chile. An analysis of the genre "news" is carried out, trying to emphasize the content of the messages broadcasted by the medium, as well as the way in which the popular youngsters are presented there. The idea that crosses this work starts from the hypothesis that the television newscasts reinforce the existing social processes of exclusion in our country. This situation occurs because the television language tends to stereotype and, therefore, to provide partial notions regarding those persons and groups that happen to be in a situation of subordination. As a matter of fact, the analysis centres on urban popular youngsters, in order to identify those contents/images to which they appear to be associated in the television scope. Keeping the above in mind throughout the article, an attempt is made to emphasize the importance of equal opportunity as a condition for democracy in our country, process in which the mass media can make a significant contribution. This project requires to carefully examine the set of mechanisms that avoid social integration of young people in different areas, as well as the social generation of social policies oriented to regress the above situation.