What about Men? Social Work, Sexual Category and Masculinity Issues
García Escobar, Jorge
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Social Work, when characterized historically as the profession in charge of taking care of the social groups excluded from the benefits of development, has tried to update the use of human rights of all the people who belong to the various social groups, promoting the planning, and the beginning of actions oriented to overcome social problems, to stimulate human beings and/or to offer assistance to dysfunctional or multi-problematic groups. As matter of fact, one of the most harmed and underestimated social sectors throughout history is one of the women, who have been directly affected by the cultural and social inequality derived from the sexual difference between men and women. The deliberate intervention of male and female social workers, in order to improve the status and quality of life of women, has come from plans, programs and projects formulated from the different perspective that we could denominate as "womanized", that is to say, they have been oriented, to the promotion and advance of women, through courses of action meant only for women, without a correlation in intervention that might, paralleled, make possible social and psycho-cultural changes in the men, which have helped to the securing of the sustainability of the reached impacts. The present article tries to outline some axes from which interventions of Social Work with gender perspective can be planned, starting off by those which we consider essential requirements to introduce applications of developmental management with gender perspectives. As it can be deduced through the title and the very reading of the present work, special emphasis is made on what we called the incorporation of men in the gender and the developmental, as vital requirement to manage practical integrated theoretical approach in support to the efforts to trade social realities towards the fairness of gender and equality of opportunities between women and men.