RIAT: An introduction and expected contribution towards a equitable and sustainable relationship between environmental and ecological tourism in the Americas
Cerda, Arcadio A.
Arias, Ernesto G:
Toursim (or RIAT for its title in Spanish: Revista Interamericana de Ambiente y Turismo). Its purpose is todevelop and disseminate new knowledge about the dynamic relationships between the natural environmentand the quality of ecotourism activities in the Americas. The reason behind its purpose is simply that theenvironment’s natural systems and resources provide cultural and economic harvests to the different sectors ofthose societies that know how to manage and protect these resources in order to enhance the ecologies of theirregions and insuring the future sustainability of their communities.In this introduction we wish to welcome our new audiences. We also want to mention some of the needs andopportunities perceived behind RIAT, as well as to recognize tose entities who have supported us to move itfrom a vision to a reality, and finally we want to share with our readers and future contributors how we see itsfuture evolution.