Estudio estacional de los sedimentos del estuario del Queuele, IX Región
Seasonal study of the sediments in the Queule's estuary, IX region
Rojas Hoppe, Carlos
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An area between the mouth and 3.5 km upstream was seasonaly sampled, in order to analyze in detail and from a dynamic viewpoint the sedimentary facies spatial distribution and the organic matter content of the present sediments of the Queule River Estuary.Grain size analyses were determined by the combined sieve and pipette method, and the content of carbon organic matter was determined by ignition. Granulometric parameters of mean size, sorting and skewness were calculated by the method of statistical moments.Ten textural facies in summer and nine in winter were distinguished in the estuary. In the time between summer and winter samplings, facies were affected by changes in their spatial distribution, in response to the energy level variations in the estuary. The distribution of carbon organic matter in the sediments correlates closely with the distribution of fine - grained material, and there exists a great correlative coefficient between both components. The contents of totalorganic matter (21% maximum) seem to be higher than would be expected to occur naturally in an estuary of this type.