New record of Abrocoma bennetti murrayi (Rodentia, Abrocomidae) from the Atacama Region. Extension of distribution range in Chile
The present note reports the first record of the rodent Abrocoma bennetti (Waterhouse 1837) for the Copiapó Valley, located between the cities of Copiapó and Caldera, Chile. Specimens were captured and then released to their natural environment. This record extends the northern and northwestern distribution limits of this rodent from Vallenar to Copiapó (ca. 145 km) and from Ramadilla to Copiapó (ca. 120 km), respectively. Other species collected were Oligoryzomys longicaudatus and Abrothrix olivaceus. We present a map of the new distribution range for this species based on taxonomic collections and previously published papers.