Serious games: supporting occupational engagement of people aged 50+based on intelligent tutoring systems
Bruno,Mario A
This paper offers an overview of the requirements of serious games to support occupational engagement for people at age 50 and above, and the features for such a serious game. A comprehensive literature revision and a questionnaire to 23 active in the field health professionals of the Valparaiso region (Chile) were performed. In the end, among the various requirements stated, primary requirements were the evaluation of adaptation skills and organizing space and objects skills as well as of information exchange skills and coordination skills, with respect to occupation-based interventions and routines within a social context. Afterwards, some primary features were stated, such as the use of intelligent tutoring systems, adaptability, difficulty balance, real-time strategy, non linear stories, and spatial, temporal and adversaries reasoning. In the discussion about the features, issues of purpose, strategy and the personalization of a serious game for people aged 50 and older were specified in detail.