The Variation of Head Shapes in 17-20 Years Old Native Fars Male in Gorgan-North of Iran
Golalipour,Mohammad Jafar
Cephalic index and head shape are affected by geographical, gender, age and racial factors. This study carried out to determine cephalic index and head shape in 17-20 years old native Fars male in Gorgan, North of Iran. This descriptive study was done on 200 of 17-20 years old male native Fars by classic cephalometry in Gorgan, North of Iran. Mean and SD of cephalic index was 84.8 + 6.9. The head shape of 52% of individuals was hyperbrachycephalic, 25% brachycephalic, 21.5% mesocephalic and 1.5% dolichocephalic. Native Fars individuals showed typical hyperbrachycephalic. In comparing to other studies in world, we can conclude that the role of racial/ethnic factor in cephalic diameters