Effects of Aspartame on Maternal-Fetal and Placental Weights, Length of Umbilical Cord and Fetal Liver: A Kariometric Experimental Study
Pórtela,Gabriela Soares
Aspartame is a synthetic sweetener consumed by more than half the adult population in 75 countries. Their metabolites can be toxic, principally to the liver and retina, and there are few studies on the use of aspartame in gestation. Twenty pregnant rats were weighed and allocated randomly (n=5 per group) to receive 14 mg/kg aspartame or water by oral-gastric drip. Treated Tl: aspartame diluted in water at room temperature; Treated T2: aspartame diluted in water heated to 40° C; control Cl: water at room temperature; and control C2: water heated to 40° C. Placentas were weighed, umbilical cords measured and 1000 nuclei of fetal hepatocytes (250 from each group) were analyzed morphometrically utilizing the technique of kariometry, with application of the Mann-Whitney U-Test. There were reductions in mean placental and maternal-fetal weights, in umbilical-cord length, and the majority of kariometric parameters of the hepatocytes in the group treated with aspartame diluted in distilled water at room temperature. Reduction of placental and maternal-fetal weights occurred, shortening of the umbilical cord, and decrease in kariometric parameters in fetal hepatocyte nuclei after administration of aspartame diluted in distilled water at 40°C temperature. The use of aspartame during gestation can be prejudicial to the fetus