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dc.creatorBezerra,Frank Silva
dc.creatorNagato,Akinori Cardoso
dc.creatorVieira,Carolina Lourdes Julião
dc.creatorReis,Liana Antonicci
dc.creatorValença,Samuel Santos
dc.descriptionThirty hearts from adult individuals, 15 from male individuals and 15 female individuals, from the Anatomy Institute of Severino Sombra University were used. After a paramedian incision in the sternocostal joint, a careful dissection was performed in order to expose and identify the sinoatrial nodal artery (SAN), a right or left coronary artery branch. The domain was registered as right, if the right coronary branch irrigated the SAN. The same was listed for the left coronary artery. In addition, cases were both arteries irrigated SAN also were listed. All data, including hearts mass according to gender definition, were compared with previous reports through the variance analysis test (One-way ANOVA) and the post-hoc test of Newman-Keuls with p 0.05. Groups were defined as MHL: Hearts from male individuals, data from literature; FHL: Hearts from female individuals, data from literature; MHS: Hearts from male individuals, data obtained from the present study; FHS: Hearts from female individuals, data obtained from the present study. Data from MHL was 22% heavier than FHL group. MHS group was 41% heavier than FHS group. Only FHS was 11% lighter than FHL (p<0.05). Right coronary domain was present in 80% and 100% of the studied cases, male and female, respectively. Only 20% of the hearts from MHS group showed left coronary domain. No cases of irrigation form both arteries were observed in the present study. The present results indicated higher right sinoatrial nodal artery dominance in all cases studied regardless gender and differences on heart weight were similar to those found in literature descriptions.
dc.publisherSociedad Chilena de Anatomía
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Morphology v.26 n.1 2008
dc.subjectSinoatrial nodal artery
dc.subjectArterial dominance
dc.titleStudy of Sinoatrial Nodal Artery Dominance in Brazilian Human Hearts

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