Von Recklinghausen's Disease -Diagnosis from Oral Lesion: Neurofibromatosis I
Munhoz,Etiene de Andrade
Cardoso,Camila Lopes
Tolentino,Elen de Souza
Centurion,Bruna Stuchi
Gonçales,Eduardo Sanches
Rubira-Bulen,Izabel Regina Fischer
A 35 years-old male patient was referred to your Institution due to a nodule on the palate with more than 15 years of evolution. In general physical examination noticed the presence of papules and café au lait (coffee with milk) pigmentation in many parts of the body. Intra oral examination found a swelling in the hard palate and resilient on palpation, asymptomatic with three centimeters of diameter. Incisional biopsy was performed and the diagnosis was neurofibroma. Complete resection of the lesion was performed confirming the initial diagnosis. The general clinical findings and the presence of neurofibroma confirmed the diagnosis of Von Recklinghausen's disease. This paper emphasizes the important role of the dentist in diagnostic and follow-up of the Von Recklinghausen's disease.