International Journal of Morphology
A Study of the Staining Effect of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on the Histologic Section of the Testis
Egbujo,E. C.
Adisa,O. J
Yahaya,A. B
This study describes the preparation and use of Roselle (Hibiscus sábddariffa) for the differential staining of testicular tissue sections to find out its staining effect on nuclear, cytoplasmic and other structures. Various treatments using modifications of the plant extract in water were carried out on sections of the rabbit testis. Various levéis of differentiation of nuclear and cytoplasmic structures as well as other structures of this organ was obtained especially when 1% eosin was applied as a counter stain. The best staining result was obtained when iron alum was used to mordant the extract and when the extract, mordanted with potassium alum was acidified using acetic acid and used to stain the sections. Modification of the aqueous extract to an alkaline pH using ammonia gave the poorest staining effect. Roselle extract therefore shows reasonable potential as a candidate nuclear stain especially when modanted with iron alum or mordanted with potassium alum and acidified with acetic acid.