Sexual Dimorphism Determination from the Lineal Dimensions of Skulls
Zavando Matamala,Daniela Alejandra
Suazo Galdames,Iván Claudio
Smith,Ricardo Luiz
The sex determination from human skulls can be made by means of morphologic and morphometric methods have been broadly studied. These methods contribute with objective data; however, they present interpopulational variability. The purpose of this article is to determine sexual dimorphism using lineal dimensions in a sample of human skulls collection belonging to the Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), calculating the discriminant function. To complete the selection approaches, 226 skulls were analyzed. Mensurements were carried out among the following reference points of the skull: right Eurion- left Eurion (Eu - Eu), Glabella-Opisthocranion (Gla - Op), Basion - Bregma (Ba-Br), Nasion - Prosthion (Na-Pr), Bizigomatic (Zi-Zi), Maximal width of the piriform aperture (MWPA), and Nasion - Spinal (Na-ANS). Descriptive and inferential statistics (student's t-test proved p <0.05, analysis of discriminant function) for sex were calculated. Statistically significant differences were seen in the following dimensions: Gla - Op, Na - Pro, Zi - Zi, and Na - ANS. Only for the distances Zi - Zi and Na-ANS, a discriminant function with a yield of 82% was identified for the correct classification for sex. The authors conclude that the lineal dimensions present a limited utility for sexual dimorphism in this sample.