Mural Unicystic Ameloblastoma Crossing the Midline: A Rare Case Report
Kumar, K,Kiran R
George,Giju Baby
Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic neoplasm which frequently affects the mandible. The term ameloblastoma includes several clinico-radiological and histological types. Apart from the most commonly encountered clinico- pathologic models there are few variants, whose biological profile is unknown or not elicited. The reason for lack of understanding is the scarcity of case report published in the literature. Among the types, unicystic ameloblastoma is the least encountered either it presents as unilocular or multilocular radiolucency, but peculiar radiographic presentation of multilocular radiolucency in posterior mandible with unilocular radiographic appearance crossing the midline is extremely rare, which has not been reported yet. Here we report a distinctive case of mural unicystic ameloblastoma of mandible in a 17-year- old- girl with the radiographic presentation as mentioned above.