Impacto en la percepción de intimidad conyugal en parejas usuarias de Métodos naturales para regular fertilidad
Bustos K,Benjamín
Larrain,Ana Isabel
Astorga,María Ligia
Reyes,Ana María
Arraztoa,José Antonio
Background: the use of NFP demands cooperation and acceptance between the couple. We propose that this psychosexual dynamics could influence the perception on the quality of the couple’s intimacy. Study design: a prospective cohort with pre and post intervention analysis using the PAIR (Personal Assessment of Intimacy Relationships) instrument. Results: Twenty couples fulfilled the prerequisites for study. The descriptive analysis showed an increase in the positive values for both sexes between the initial taking of test, and after six months. The conventionality index showed high values, but very similar in the members of each couple, and also between couples. The results show satisfaction of couple intimacy in all areas. At six months the experience of intimacy in women increases in all areas, except in the social area. Among men the experience of intimacy increases in all areas and significantly in the social area. In the case of the recreational area, for women as much as for men, the increase is significant after the intervention. Conclusions: It seems that couples who learn and use natural family planning methods have a better perception of their intimacy.