Bond strength and adhesive remnant index of experimental brackets bonded with self-adhesive resin cement
Alves de Campos,Edson
Carlos Kuga,Milton
Ferrarezi de Andrade,Marcelo
ABSTRACT: Aim: To evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) and adhesive remnant index (ARI) of experimental brackets bonded with self-adhesive resin cement. Ninety bovine teeth were randomly distributed (n = 15) according to the groups: G1 - metal brackets bonded with Transbond™ XT; G2 - APC metal brackets bonded without additional adhesive system; G3 - APC metal brackets bonded with self-etching adhesive system; G4 - metal brackets bonded with RelyXU200; G5 - experimental brackets bonded with Transbond™ XT; G6 - experimental brackets bonded with RelyXU200. Shear bond strength test of the brackets was carried out and after their removal, the ARI was observed. Results: The highest mean value of SBS was found in group 1 (14.33 MPa) and lower mean SBS has been in group 4 (2.36 MPa). The mean values of SBS found in the experimental groups were higher compared to the non-modified brackets. The ARI analysis demonstrated that groups that received the phosphoric acid or selfetching primer (G1,G2,G3andG5) showed adhesive partially and fully adhered to the tooth. Greater amounts of remnants were adhered to the bracket in the experimental brackets, this minimizes the risk of damage to the tooth enamel since it requires minimal finishing. These results suggest that the experimental brackets are interesting options for future use in orthodontics, since it has sufficient adhesive strength to the orthodontic treatment, and less risk of damage to the enamel at the time of removal of the brackets, and is a simple and inexpensive alternative.