Prevalencia de malformaciones congénitas al nacer y factores asociados en Isla de Pascua, Chile (1988-1998)
Aguila R,Alfredo
Nazer H,Julio
Cifuentes O,Lucía
Mella A,Paola
de la Barra H,Pedro
Gutiérrez T,David
Background: Consanguinity plays an important role in the genetic etiology of congenital malformations. In Easter Island the degree of consanguinity could be higher than in continental Chile. Therefore the study of the prevalence of congenital malformations in this island seems worthwhile. Aim: To study the prevalence of congenital malformations at birth in Easter Island. Material and methods: A review of personal and family features of all children born alive between 1988 and 1998 in the Rapa Nui Hospital of Easter Island. Results: During the study period, 772 newborns were reviewed and 22 were found to have congenital malformations. Among the latter, birth weight fluctuated between 3001 and 4000 g and the male/female ratio was 0.54. No differences in maternal age between children with and without malformations was observed. Heart and circulatory malformations, hemangiomas and Down syndrome were the predominant malformations. Conclusions: The prevalence of congenital malformations at birth in Easter Island is similar to that of continental Chile. No neural tube defects were detected in this sample.