Art, biotechnology and the culture of peace
Biotechnology, in its voyage from ancient times into the expanding frontier areas of today's world of scientific research, has revealed itself as the gene of diplomacy and international cooperation in the relationships between nations (<a href="#16">DaSilva, 2002</a>). Economic and biotechnological considerations, strong elements in themselves, drive policy implementation that draws upon the support and sustenance of the public's logic and understanding of science obtained through the avenues of art and culture. More and more scientists are teaming up with artists to harness the world of microbes and biotechnology in the pursuit of one's natural well-being, of the conservation of environmental heritage, and of human comradeship and welfare. Art and culture in revealing the human face of biotechnology help engender solidarity amongst different cultures. Furthermore, they nurture individual solidarity and collective commitment in especially young children ---tomorrow's architects in the quest of the culture of a sustainable peace.