Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
Effects of elicitor and copper sulfate on grindelic acid production in submerged cultures of Grindelia pulchella
Hernandez,Xenia E
Orden,Alejandro A
Giordano,Oscar S
Grindelia pulchella callus and cell suspension cultures were established from seedling leaves. When several phytoregulator supplementations were assayed in solid Murashige and Skoog medium containing 3% (w/v) of sucrose (MS medium), combinations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and N6-benzylaminopurine (BA) resulted the most appropriate conditions to generate fast growing friable calli with detectable levels of grindelic acid. Moreover, the same basal media supplemented with 20.0 µM IBA/4.4 µM BA was found to be optimal for cell growth in submerged cultures (µmax = 0.26 days-1) while the addition of 20.0 µM IBA/18.0 µM BA resulted in a relative higher metabolite production (4.55 mg/gDW) when the inocula was 5% (v/v). Furthermore, three different stress factors and combinations of them were used to elicit cell suspensions. These experiments demonstrated that the combination of CuSO4 and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) increase the grindelic acid production to 2.63 mg/gDW in the elicited essay versus 0.756 mg/gDW in the control, at expense of cell growth. In contrast, the addition of jasmonic acid (JA) alone and combined with DMSO neither affected cell growth nor grindelic acid accumulation