The influence of intelligence and emotions on the acceptability of genetically modified organisms
The purpose of the study was to explore the relation between the acceptance of genetically modified organisms, basic emotions, general (IQ), verbal (VIQ) and procedural (PIQ) intelligence. The sample comprised 123 students of psychology (N = 65; 52.8%) and pre-service teachers (N = 58; 47.2%). There were 52 (42.3%) females and 71 males (57.7%) from one of the Slovenian universities. The conclusions of the study are as follows: a) acceptability of genetically modified organisms cannot be considered as a single group, but each GMO should be considered separately. Plants and microorganisms are much more easily to be accepted than animals and usages others than for food are more acceptable. Females showed higher level of acceptance than males. b) Among responses involving ten basic emotions (fear, anger, joy, disgust, sadness, shame, contempt, guilt, surprise and interest), anger, fear, disgust and contempt are significantly correlated with the rejection of GMOs. Interest and surprise are the most frequent responses towards GMOs but are not correlated with acceptance, showing that interest can be triggered by both negative and positive attitudes toward GMOs. c) IQ in females is negatively correlated with fear, disgust, sadness, shame, contempt, guilt and surprise (statistically significant); VIQ with fear, disgust, shame and guilt; PIQ with joy, shame and guilt. Higher IQ, VIQ and PIQ are connected with the lower emotional response, leading to easier acceptance of GMOs.