Socio-Technological Characterization of Goat Industry at Tamarugal Province in Atacama Desert
Diez de Medina, Sergio
Cabello, Pamela
Ríos, Juan Carlos
Figueroa, Pablo
Balic, Ivan
Hardy, Damien
Vrsalovic, Viviana
The following article displays a study carried over the goat producers in the northern Tamarugal province in Chile, including the analysis of a survey that characterizes the technical capability of the industry mainly constituted by altiplanean natives communities, exposing the needs that the innovation system requires to be improved in order to boost the generation of added value products useful for project sustainability of these communities. As well, sensitization of the main social breakthroughs is made in order to develop an effective technology transfer to the communities to accomplish this aimed sustainability, through innovative use of the resources.